Thursday, March 3, 2011

Back in the BKK

The rest of my trip in Hong Kong was predictable: lots of food and lots of drink.  We went to the infamous Mr. Wong's where exchange students can eat and drink as much as they want for about 7 USD.  Needless to say the night was fun.  We went to a place called Charbell's later on, which had the best lamb kebab I've ever had and will ever have.  I know most of my posts deal with food, but my weekend in Hong Kong was all about places to eat so I find it totally excusable this time.

I went to this sightseeing place on Kowloon where you get a great view of Hong Kong Island.  I made JP go with me, but he had to head home early because he was feeling sick and had been the whole weekend.  Poor guy.

I came back to Bangkok Sunday morning and had my work cut out for me.  I actually had to be a student the past two weeks: editing reports and preparing for presentations.  Monday, my Seminar in Marketing midterm project report was due.  Forty pages long.  I edited half of it and wrote my part.  I forget sometimes that I'm here to actually take classes.

It was a bit of a hard couple days adjusting back to life in Bangkok.  Hong Kong is a very western city without a lot of westerners.  It's comfortable: there are trash cans all over the place and the sidewalks don't have a zillion cracks.  Plus, there is a serious lack of mosquitos.  Though Bangkok has a lot of Westerners, it's not a very Western city and I definitely missed the comforts of home this week.

Hong Kong Island

JP and I with the Batman Begins building in the background.

Olympic Torch commemorative thing.

Oh yeah, I'm totally a legit student.

More gifts from the French.

The view from JP's school.
The Oscars happened on Monday and I was stuck in class.  I am very displeased with a few of the winners, but agree with most of them.  I really don't usually push my beliefs or opinions on other people but Annette Benning should have won Best Actress and The Kids Are All Right should have won for Best Original.  Just saying, Focus got robbed.  And this is not a biased view.

This week has been very mellow.  Midterms start up next week so everyone's mostly been studying.  Since I only have one and it's not until the 13th of March, I've been watching TV.  I got Netflix/Hulu/Pandora/all America only websites to work by installing a USC VPN.  Greatest invention ever.  I love the Internet and all its capabilities.

Tomorrow I head out for Lopburi which apparently has a lot of monkeys.  I think we're only staying for a night so it'll just be a short trip to get out of Bangkok for a little while since we have about two straight weeks here.  The traveling is all really starting to happen and I'm loving it.  On the 17th I leave for Vietnam and am there for a week, hitting up Cambodia on my way home.  In April I'm going to Laos and then Chiang Mai for Songkran (the nation wide water fight).  I'm also going to try to go to Ko Samui/Ko Phi Phi/Phucket towards the end of the month.  And after finals I'm ending my time in Bali.

I can't believe two months has passed already and I only have three left.  I'm almost halfway done!  It's been flying by and as things get more active the time is only going to pass by faster.

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